
The only conference of its type on the west coast, where every alcoholic who attends has an opportunity to participate. Speaker panels are broken out by 0-10 years, 11-20 years, 21-30 years, and 31-100 years of sobriety. Each panelist speaks for five minutes about their experience, strength, and hope. Panelists are chosen by the date their registration is received.

It is our goal to find and bring to you the experience, strength, and hope of many decades of sobriety. This sharing helps newcomer and old-timer struggling with alcoholism, to know that living this new way of life is more than just possible, it is enjoyable.

Meet the Speakers 2025

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2025 Meet the Speakers pdf 0644 2024103008193630-Oct-2024 08:19 2024103008193530-Oct-2024 08:19 94 KB Preview Download

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Plan to attend the

“Meet the Speakers Dinner” on Thursday Feb 27th, 2025 7:00pm

Emmanuel Lutheran Church 1315 N Stevens St., Tacoma WA 98406
Main dish will be:
Spaghetti Dinner

Keynote Speakers:

AltTextChristine G. – OHIO

AltTextMarty C. – NASHVILLE

AltTextPeter M. – FLORIDA

Local Speakers:

AltTextTonya W. – TACOMA



AltTextGary N. - GEORIGA

Additional speakers to be announced as they become available.
Stacks Image 10

“Sunlight of the Spirit”

February 28th - March 2nd, 2025

The Blending of Time Schedule 2025

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Questions: Jeffery R. (253) 754-7617 or Dick M. (253) 376-2967